About Hazardous Area Solutions and electrical installation in hazardous areas

Hazardous Area Solutions is a division of Gordon McKay, a company specialising in electrical services for the industrial sectors. Hazardous Area Solutions provides hazardous area classification and electrical installation services for customers operating or building plants with hazardous areas within their facilities.

Hazardous Area Solutions is built on the foundations of a business which has operated successfully since 1953. We’ve built a reputation for reliable and consistent service on complex and high-risk projects, delivering customised outcomes to our customers.

This distinction will carry on through Hazardous Area Solutions. Our team of experienced hazardous area electricians have years of experience and can offer a service that’s second to none when it comes to reducing the risk of potential electrical hazards in large or small industrial facilities, or manufacturing plants.

Get in touch with us and find out how a hazardous area electrician can reduce the risk of an electrical hazard in your facility.


Hazardous Area Solutions is building on an already established culture within Gordon McKay, where we are committed to service and delivery. Our qualified hazardous area electricians are committed to building strong and lasting partnerships with our clients  and remain invested in the work and results we achieve with you. Relationships built on integrity and trust...
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At Hazardous Area Solutions we have a highly-valued team of experienced and qualified electrical industry specialists. We are proud that many of our employees have been with our company for more than 10 years. This level of experience and workforce stability ensures we achieve exceptional results for our clients in hazardous area wiring and providing...
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Safety & Accreditation

Hazardous Area Solutions is committed to continuous safety improvement; our integrated management system (IMS) delivers outstanding results for Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S), Quality and Environmental Impact Management. All employees and sub-contractors are aware of the company’s mandatory requirements and responsibilities through an extensive program that includes company and site inductions, Safe Work Method Statements...
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Culture enrichment: Hazard Area Solutions provides a workplace that values, challenges and satisfies people while promoting and fostering team spirit. Safety first: Hazardous Area Solutions places safety above every objective and we empower all our employees to share the responsibility of our safety goals. Client relationships: Hazardous Area Solutions has integrity, trust and shared respect as the...
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